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Home Curriculum

Think Out Side The Box

What Will Learn?

Education at Sanskar Bharti High School is an integrated process with a flexible curriculum which takes into account the holistic development of differentiated learners, using varied techniques & styles. Emphasis is led on nurturing different multiple intelligences adopting innovative methods & technology to produce lifelong learners. Sanskar Bharti High School is dedicated to providing holistic learning and moulding children into independent individuals.


The blooming buds walk in Sanskar Bharti High School and they are playfully led beyond the books. The student centric approach caters to 5 major developmental areas of the blooming buds. They are nurtured to enhance their linguistic skills, cognitive abilities, fine and gross motor development, social & emotional growth.

Primary Section (Grades I - VIII)

Primary Section curriculum is specially designed considering kids Psychology, playway methods, fun learing & innovative pedagogy & tools are incorporated in teaching and learning process.

Secondary (Grades IX - X) Higher Secondary (Grades XI - XII)

Sanskar Bharti High School is dedicated to providing holistic learning and moulding children into independent individuals. We strive to explore and enhance their physical competence Sanskar Bharti High School is one of the best school and is dedicated to providing intellectual abilities, aesthetic and artistic skills, and cultivate their social conscience with the help of our trained and motivated teachers. It is our mission to employ our entire resources, general and specific labs, Digital lab and Pre foundation competition coaching to enable child to excel in their chosen field through lifelong learning and make them ideal global citizen.