At Primary level for class I to VIII the primary curriculum aims to provide a broad learning experience and encourages a rich variety of approaches to teaching and learning that cater for the different needs of individual children.
Sanskar Bharti School ensures that the students engage in field trips, excursions, activities, projects and presentations that provide experiential learning opportunities. Dance, Fine Arts, Western and Indian Music, Yoga, Speech and Drama promote well-rounded development. Students are encouraged to participate in inter-house cultural and sports events. Active learning techniques like free play, dramatisation, puppetry, singing, dancing and cooking enhance their interest in learning. Reading activities increase children's awareness of the world. Assemblies, concerts and drama productions help shape their confidence.
Senior Secondary School students need to have a well-rounded, happy experience at school so they can learn independently, develop resilience, confidence and maturity before stepping out into the world. Senior School at Inventure Academy provides students the opportunity to identify their areas of strength and pursue an academic programme that is best suited to their learning style, inclination, and which is in alignment with their long term goals. The aim is to give the learner a sound foundation in conceptual knowledge and in the skills of application, analysis and higher order thinking.
We are proud of the depth and breadth of our extensive curriculum – a curriculum that has the ability to extend able students, while also providing support for those requiring additional inputs. Students acquire the flexibility and freedom to find the right ‘subject fit’ of their choice. We look at curriculum work continuously to improve (among other things) good national test scores.